Fruit and vegetable juices

Fruit juice is the unfermented but fermentable liquid obtained from the edible part of sound, appropriately mature and fresh fruit or of fruit maintained in sound condition by suitable means. The juice is prepared by suitable processes, which maintain the essential physical, chemical, organoleptical and nutritional characteristics of the juices of the fruit from which it comes. The juice may be cloudy or clear, and may have restored (to the normal level attained in the same kind of fruit) aromatic substances and volatile flavour components, all of which must be obtained by suitable physical means, and all of which must have been recovered from the same kind of fruit. Pulp and cells obtained by suitable physical means from the same kind of fruit may be added. A single juice is obtained from one kind of fruit. A mixed juice is obtained by blending two or more juices or juices and purees, from different kinds of fruit. Fruit juice may be obtained, e.g., by directly expressing the juice by mechanical extraction processes, by reconstituting concentrated fruit juice with water, or in limited situations by water extraction of the whole fruit (e.g., prune juice from dried prunes). Examples include: orange juice, apple juice, black currant juice, lemon juice, orange-mango juice, and coconut water.

Vegetable juice is the liquid unfermented but fermentable product intended for direct consumption obtained by mechanical expression, crushing, grinding, and/or sieving of one or more sound fresh vegetables or vegetables preserved exclusively by physical means. The juice may be clear, turbid, or pulpy. It may have been concentrated and reconstituted with water. Products may be based on a single vegetable (e.g., carrot) or blends of vegetables (e.g., carrots, celery).

Natural solutions for fruit and vegetable juices

Niseen®-S for fruit and vegetable juices


  • Control of bacterial infection.
  • Extend shelf life.

Niseen®-S10 for fruit and vegetable juices


  • Control of bacterial infection.
  • Extend shelf life.

Niseen®-A for fruit and vegetable juices


  • Control of bacterial infection.
  • Extend shelf life.

Nataseen®-H for fruit and vegetable juices


  • Control yeast and moulds.
  • Extend shelf life.

Epsiliseen®-H for fruit and vegetable juices


  • Control of bacterial infection.
  • Extend shelf life.